After a successful career as President of the Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce, Inc. New York, (SACC New York) for 17 years, Renee Lundholm founded RL Strategies in 2017 to build on her experience in promoting Swedish American business. Her many years at SACC New York has given her a unique platform and a vast network within the Swedish-American business community.
During her tenure at SACC Renee grew the Chamber to become the largest Swedish Chamber of Commerce outside Sweden, worldwide. She also launched numerous new annual programs.
One of Renee’s most notable successes is the founding of the Swedish-American Executive Women’s Conference and Network – EWC, which created a network of 2,500 executive women from both sides of the Atlantic. This annual conference offers executive women a chance to compare notes and share economic and cultural strengths and ideas. The first Executive Women’s Conference was held in New York in October 2003. The conference has evolved into a leading forum for addressing new challenges and increasing opportunities that women will encounter as leaders in the 21st century.
On Renee’s initiative the Green Summit was launched in 2008 and has served as a forum for industry leaders to discuss the most important environmental issues of our time. It has addressed such topics as the growing pressures of global urbanization, water, sustainability in the food chain, and the future of food, just to mention a few.
Renee also initiated Innovate46, a high-level event showcasing the most innovative ideas and brightest entrepreneurs from Sweden. This yearly conference is now the forum in New York to meet extraordinary Swedish startup talents and entrepreneurs.
Renee lent her expertise to the Chinese-American Chamber of Commerce in creating fundraising events in cooperation with the late President George H. W. Bush and his brother Prescott Bush, at the time Chairman of the Chinese-American Chamber. She also worked in Rudolph Giuliani’s successful campaign for Mayor of New York City.
During her time at SACC New York, she also served on the board of The Foreign Association (FPA), a non-profit organization founded in 1918, dedicated to inspiring the American public to learn more about international issues.
Renee was also a board member of Swedish Chambers International, an association of all Swedish Chambers outside of Sweden. Recently she was elected to the Board of Directors of the House of Sweden in Washington, D.C., and she continues to serve on the Board of the Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce.